My Bridal Skincare Guide for Glowing Wedding Day Beauty

bride smiling on her wedding day

My Bridal Skincare Guide for Glowing Wedding Day Beauty: looking after your skin on the lead up to your Wedding Day.

Every bride I work with as a wedding makeup artist worries about the condition of their skin on their wedding day. On your wedding day it’s all eyes on you and of course you want to feel the best you possibly can!

My advice on the lead up to your wedding day is to up your skin care game to the best it’s ever been.

If you make changes in advance not only will your skin look and feel as fresh as possible, but there will be less dead skin and debris on the day, which affects how makeup sits on your face.


Exfoliating is important, aim for 1-2 times a week, depending on your skin type and how it reacts.

Don’t overstimulate your skin, use gentle exfoliating products. There are fantastic exfoliators out there that work with acids to gently dislodge anything that shouldn’t be there.

Pay attention to your lips (they are frequently missed) I often see dry lips, which will affect lipstick application.


bride sitting on her bed in a silk gown


The Night Before you Wedding Day

Use a hydrating mask the night before your Wedding Day. A simple sheet mask is great and easy to use. Just make sure you’ve tried and tested it in advance and you’re not using anything that might react to your skin .

The boring advice like plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, avoid inflammatory foods all apply (sorry!) But all of this will ensure you wake up on your big day feeling your best, having slept as well as you can without anything working against you.

On the lead up to your big day try to enjoy and embrace looking after your skin, it’s self care and however busy you are, you and your skin deserve your time and attention.

If you’re one of my brides and you would like more help and advice, I am at hand! I will make sure you have all of the knowledge and product information you need for your own specific skin type.

Enjoy looking after yourself on the lead up to your big day.


bride smiling on her wedding day